

Application for membership for 2024 is now closed.

How Much is Membership?

From the beginning of 2025, there is the introduction of a registration fee for new members of €250 for 2025 plus €205 for the year (January to December). This includes the Golf Ireland Affiliation Fee.

It is a requirement of the Club that new members attend a meeting for a formal interview followed by an introduction to procedures for club membership, competition entry, and attaining a Golf Ireland handicap.

What do it get for my membership fee?

Once you become a member and submit 3 cards you will receive a Golf Ireland handicap. This will allow you play in our club competitions and also open and semi open competitions in other clubs.

The membership fee covers your entry into all club competitions – you pay for your golf as you play.

Members can also avail of reduced green fees and reduced fee for buggy hire as well as a member’s discount in the bar.

Weekly Competitions

There is a weekly 18 hole competition held on a Sunday with a monitored timesheet. In addition to the 18 hole competition there are weekly 9 hole and 18 hole competitions that run from Monday to Saturday.